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Breaking wedding news!!


(Email from the UK weddings taskforce)

Statement regarding Weddings in England in Step 2 (April 12th - May 17th)

The Weddings Taskforce has been seeking clarity over inconsistencies and ambi-guities between the roadmap announcements (and accompanying Government-produced graphics), the ‘COVID-19 Response - Spring 2021’ published 22nd Feb-ruary, and the ‘Re-opening businesses and venues in England’ published 24th February by the Cabinet Office.

We have now received confirmation that weddings and receptions are only per-mitted for 15 guests between 12th April and 16th May in: places of worship, public buildings, locations and outdoor settings that are already permitted to open. This does not include the vast majority of England’s licensed wedding venues where over 70% of weddings take place.

The Taskforce estimates this news affects circa 7,000 weddings planned before 17th May. We believe Government should honour the reasonable assumptions made by couples, venues, suppliers and their own Registrars (who have been booking weddings for couples in licensed wedding venues in the same period). All weddings and receptions for up to 15 people should be permitted in COVID-secure wedding venues. Couples understand the limitations, and venues, by law, operate with strict safety protocols in place. A fact the Prime Minster overlooked in his Q&A on Sunday when attempting to explain the disparity between wed-dings and other events in Step 3 of the roadmap.

We have asked BEIS and Minister Scully to intervene and drawn their attention to the Government’s own contradictory information, which in the publication: ‘Re-opening businesses and venues in England’ implies weddings have an explicit ex-emption to the meeting indoors rules in Step 2 of the reopening plan. The Task-force is meeting with the Minister and his department Wednesday afternoon. We will also seek an explanation as to why the updated Weddings Guidance remains unpublished more than three weeks after the roadmap announcements.

Chris Naylor

Taskforce Chairperson

IG video Statement link here:

I hope this info isn't too distressing and doesn't cause anymore heartache. If I can help in anyway, as always just let me know.

Fingers crossed this won't be a trend following into the other guidance dates😔



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